PRIVACY POLICY This Privacy Policy was last updated and is effective as of February 25, 2022. For Introduction. Taurus Holdings, Inc. (“Taurus Holdings,” “Taurus”, “we,” “our,” or “us”) respects your privacy and are committed to protecting it through compliance with this website privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”). This Privacy Policy describes our practices regarding the use and disclosure of your personal data (as defined below) collected via the Taurus websites (collectively, “Our Websites”). Unless specifically stated otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies solely to personal data that we gather or collect via Our Websites. Please take a moment to review the terms of this Privacy Policy. , which govern your use of Our Websites. Please note that certain features or services discussed in this Privacy Policy may not be offered or available on all of Our Websites. By visiting any of Our Websites, you are accepting the practices and policies described in this Privacy Policy. DEFINITIONS. Below, we have defined key terms that we use throughout this Privacy Policy. Personal Data. Personal Data refers to any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. Under the GDPR (defined below), there are special categories of Personal Data. These categories include Personal Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, genetic data, biometric data that may identify you as a unique person, and data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation (collectively “Special Personal Data”). All other data that may identify you as a natural person are “General Personal Data.” In this privacy policy, we use the general term “Personal Data” to refer to both Special Personal Data and General Personal Data unless otherwise specified. GDPR. GDPR stands for “General Data Protection Regulation.” GDPR is the European Union’s (“EU”) regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council on April 27, 2016, and current as of May 25, 2018. For additional information regarding GDPR, see Section 12 entitled “Additional Notices to European Union Residents and Other GDPR Data Subjects,” below. Data Subject. Under GDPR, a Data Subject is any living natural person whose personal data are processed. Processing. Processing means any operation that is performed on Personal Data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, making available, combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction. WHAT PERSONAL DATA DOES TAURUS COLLECT ABOUT ME? In general, we avoid collecting your Personal Data. The following are some of the types of Personal Data that we do gather. Information You Voluntarily Provide to Us. You may provide Personal Data to us via Our Websites when you do any of the following: (a) submit an inquiry using our “contact us” feature, (b) register an account, (c) subscribe to any of our newsletters or email lists, (d) submit an order, (e) enter a contest or sweepstakes, or (f) submit other information to us via Our Websites. Such Personal Data most often includes information such as your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, or credit or debit card number. You are under no obligation to provide such Personal Data. To learn more about how you can control the Personal Data that we receive from you, see Section 6 entitled “What are My Choices Regarding Use and Distribution of Personal Data,” below. Information We Automatically Collect. When you visit Our Websites, we may automatically collect certain information related to your activities on Our Websites (“Website Usage Information”). Website Usage Information may include such information as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your device operating system, your browser type, your device’s unique device identifier, the address of a referring website, the path you take through Our Websites, and other information about your session on any of Our Websites. While Website Usage Information is typically anonymous, if it is combined with your Personal Data in a manner that is directly associated with your identity, we will treat it as Personal Data under this Privacy Policy. To collect Website Usage Information, we may utilize a variety of technologies including “cookies,” “embedded scripts” (as both terms are defined below), or other similar technologies. Cookies. Cookies are data files placed on a web browser when you visit websites. They are sent to your device in order to personalize your experience on Our Websites. Cookies enable us to recognize your device (i.e. mobile phone, laptop, etc.) and provide you with personalized features on Our Websites and storage of items in places like your Cart between each visit. You may disable cookies using your browser’s preferences, but some features of Our Websites may not function properly or may operate slowly if you do so. For example, to place an order on Our Websites’ Online Store, your browser must be set to accept cookies. To learn more about how you can control Cookies, see Section 6 entitled “What are My Choices Regarding Use and Distribution of Personal Data,” below. Embedded Scripts. An embedded script is a programming code that is designed to collect information about your interactions with Our Websites, such as which links you click on. The code is temporarily downloaded onto your computer from our web server or a third-party service provider is active only while you are connected to Our Websites, and is deactivated or deleted thereafter. HOW DOES TAURUS USE PERSONAL DATA? We use Personal Data and the Website Usage Information collected from Our Websites for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to the following: Providing You with Services. We use Personal Data to provide you with information, products, or services that you have ordered, requested or agreed to receive from us; to process your registration with any of Our Websites, including verifying that your email address is active and valid; and to process any applications, orders, payments, or changes to your account information. Communicating with You. We use Personal Data to communicate with you regarding information, features, products, services, or other offers that we believe may be of interest to you; to respond to your questions or other requests; to conduct surveys; and to contact you regarding sweepstakes, contest, or promotions in which you have participated. Understanding Our Websites’ Visitors and Improving our Services and Our Websites. We use Personal Data to improve Our Websites, and our services, and to customize your experience on Our Websites. Similarly, the Website Usage Information, or other aggregated user statistics, as well as anonymous de-identified information derived from Personal Data we collect may be used by us in system administration, to help us understand the demographics and other information of visitors to Our Websites, to enhance the performance of Our Websites, or to report aggregate information to our business partners. Other. Additionally, we use Personal Data for other purposes disclosed in this Privacy Policy or disclosed at the time you provide the Personal Data, or disclosed thereafter. WITH WHOM DO WE SHARE THE PERSONAL DATA? We may share Personal Data that we collect on Our Websites in the following situations: Our Subsidiaries or Affiliated Businesses. We may disclose the Personal Data we collect with our subsidiaries or affiliated businesses. Third Parties Providing Services on Our Behalf. We may share Personal Data with our agents and representatives who perform services on our behalf. These services include, but are not limited to, hosting or operating certain functions or features on Our Websites; sending communications on our behalf, such as marketing emails; processing credit card and other payment transactions; fulfilling orders; analyzing data; providing marketing assistance; and providing customer service. While these third parties may have access to Personal Data in order to provide these services to us or to you on our behalf, they are permitted to access Personal Data only in accordance with our instructions. Sweepstakes, Contests, and Promotions. We may offer sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions (collectively, “Promotions”) through Our Websites. If you choose to participate in any Promotions, Personal Data about you may be disclosed to third parties or the public in connection with the administration and marketing of such Promotion, including, without limitation, in connection with winner selection, prize fulfillment, and as required by law or permitted by the Promotion’s official rules, such as including your name on a winners’ list. Additionally, by entering a Promotion, you are agreeing to the official rules that govern that Promotion, which may contain specific requirements of you, including, except where prohibited by law, allowing the sponsor(s) of the Promotion to use your name, voice and/or likeness in advertising or marketing associated with the promotion. Legal Requirements and Law Enforcement. We may also disclose Personal Data to comply with any court order, subpoena, discovery request, or other legal processes, including responding to any government or regulatory request. We may also disclose Personal Data if in our good faith opinion such disclosure is required by law. Additionally, we may disclose Personal Data to verify or enforce compliance with our Terms of Use, other agreements or policies governing Our Websites; or whenever we believe disclosure is necessary to limit our legal liability or to protect or enforce the rights, interests, or safety of Taurus, Our Websites’ users, or others. We also reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we, in good faith, believe to be unlawful.